This XFCN will strip off a certain character from a string, given the string, and the character to look for. If you specify "LeadingOnly", all characters of the type you specify wil l be stripped until it encounters a different character.
-- part contents for background part 23
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put stripchar("Nebraska Cornhuskers","s") into msg --> "Nebraka Cornhuker"
put stripchar(" 0.032"," ","LeadingOnly") into n --> "0.032"
put stripchar("AARDVARK","A","LeadingOnly") into animal --> "RDVARK"
-- part contents for card part 2
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Mike's Favorite Externals
-- part contents for card part 3
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Compiled by Mike Gleason Jr.
release 1B • February 22, 1990.
-- part contents for card part 4
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This stack contains all of my favorite XCMD's and XFCNs (Duh). I wrote about half of them, so some of these are completely new. Others were written by Gary Bond and Jon Wind. To install them, you will need to use ResEdit or the ResCopy stack. If you would like to make your own externals, get a copy of "XCMD's for HyperCard" by Gary Bond. It is indispensable! I couldn't have written any of these without the help of his wonderful book. Each card documents one external. I have provided the format and some examples for each one, so you should have no problem figuring them out. Source code for all of my externals and externals by Gary Bond are available from me; All source code and Object code are copyrighted, so you can't sell ANY of these for profit!
If you want copies of source code (send a disk and 2 stamps), make suggestions or criticisms, or report bugs, you can reach me at:
Mike Gleason
5705 N 117th Plaza
Omaha, NE 68164
Or, for a long shot, you can try to leave me email on GEnie at "M.Gleason".
I am rarely on GEnie though, so your mail could get deleted before I get a chance to read it.
Bug (?) Note: For reasons I cannot explain, sometimes Hypercard prefers strings to be quoted, othertimes not. Just now this worked:
newbutt home
but this did not:
newbutt "home"
So if you can't seem to get an external to work, try varying on that.